Get Better Now
Physical Therapy
at St. Luke’s
Be seen within 48 hours, no prescription required.

PT Care You Trust
Specialized Therapists
Choose from Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Audiology, and Speech and Language Pathology
Easily Accessible
Receive treatment at one of our 58 Locations
99% Satisfaction Rating
Our team is committed to patient satisfaction
Get the Relief and Recovery You Need Now, Without a Physician's Prescription!
To go to physical therapy, most states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, no longer require a prescription from your physician. This law, known as DIRECT ACCESS (DA) allows you to see a DA certified physical therapist immediately, so that you can get the outpatient physical therapy care you need right away. Most health insurance covers physical therapy obtained by using Direct Access, but if they do not, our staff will help you get what you need from your doctor to be covered under your insurance.
Recent News

Discover the Power of Physical Therapy in Breast Cancer Recovery